Malvern church desecrated by naked man

The man displayed erratic behaviour, took off his clothes, entered the church and broke statues.

The Blessed Sacrament Parish in Malvern was reportedly targeted by a naked man who broke statues inside the church where matric learners were to attend a Matric Candle Mass on September 29.

One of many statues desecrated.

Germiston City News has not been able to obtain comment from the church, school nor police however parents of school learners confirmed the incident with photos of the damage to church property also surfacing.

Reports suggest that the man gained access to the church premises, exhibiting erratic behaviour and causing damage to church property.

The man caused damage to statues and church property.

Eyewitnesses said he took off his clothes at the entrance of the parking lot and entered the church, prompting those inside the church to run outside and call the police.

People reported that sounds of destruction echoed outside as the man broke church statues.

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The man targeted church statues during the incident.

The  Matric Candle Mass was relocated to a hall and the man was reportedly removed from church premises by the police.






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