
Bertha Gxowa Care Centre showered with accolades

“We have good relations with our stakeholders who help us spread the word of what we do and what we are about as a care centre."

The Bertha Gxowa Care Centre received an award in December from Gauteng Clinical Forensic Medical Services (CFMS) for overall best performance and exceptional commitment in conducting campaigns in CFMS in Gauteng.

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Operational Manager Hazel Moagi said it was an honour for the centre to get the award.

“We have a dedicated and passionate team. Everything we do is out of love and serving the community,” said Moagi.

The second award was also received by Moagi as the Gauteng winner of the Marilyn Lahana Caring Award 2022.

This award commemorates Lahana, a Johannesburg nurse who died in 1996 after contracting Ebola from a patient.

The award is about the dedication and selfless spirit of nursing, a profession in which practitioners routinely put their patients’ interests before their own.

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She said she did not expect it and is humbled to receive it.

“I have been reading about the Marilyn Lahana Caring Award for some years. I never thought that one day my name would be on that certificate.

“I am so happy. I have never been this happy in my entire nursing profession,” said Moagi.

She said this award means a lot to her as a nurse.

“This award means a lot to me as a person and a professional and my work is recognised.

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“Getting those messages that say you deserve the award and that it was long overdue from colleagues previous and current, friends and the community is so heart-warming and fulfilling.

“The Xitsonga saying that says ’mintirho ya vulavula’ – I finally witnessed it – as I was just performing my duties as a person who believes in excellence, and a person who always strives to do my best in everything I do,” said Moagi.

As a Gauteng winner, Moagi represented Gauteng at the nationals and came second.

Her journey started in April 2000 when she worked as a nurse at Arthurstone Clinic.

In 2010, she started at Van Velden Hospital in Tzaneen, Limpopo, where she was a forensic nurse managing gender-based violence.

She then worked as a forensic nurse for the Doctors Without Borders GBV project in Rustenburg, Northwest Province, from 2015 to 2016.

In November 2016, she was appointed operational manager at Bertha Gxowa Care Centre.

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“My journey in the nursing profession has taught me so much about serving people. I love working with people.

In every challenge I face on my journey, I always tell myself that I can handle it because I know my job,” said Moagi.

She said she wanted to be a nurse from a young age.

“Seeing nurses in white uniforms from the community I grew up in and seeing nurses whenever I visited the hospital made me fall in love with nursing.

“After completing matric, I made sure I applied to study nursing,” said Moagi.

“I completed my training as a professional nurse in January 2000.”

She said her job is a calling, and seeing patients improve is her reward.

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“Seeing victims of gender-based violence become survivors makes me happy. Seeing the community respond to our awareness campaigns and coming to the care centre to seek help.

“I love talking to community members about gender-based violence and our services because some members are unaware of our services and the urgency of getting medical care after a rape,” said Moagi.

She said she involves the whole community in her awareness campaigns.

“We have good relations with our stakeholders who help us spread the word of what we do and what we are about as a care centre.

“I thank everyone who is always willing to come and support our awareness campaigns. As the centre, we appreciate it. This award is also for you,” said Moagi.

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She said these awards would not have been possible without a supportive team and management.

“I thank my supervisor Annah Mabunda and the staff of Bertha Gxowa Care Centre.

“These awards belong to them.

“I wouldn’t have received them without their commitment to their work and support,” said Moagi.




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