Tedstoneville soccer club nurtures raw talent

“We remain the only team from Tedstoneville to play in the SAFA League.”

AC Milan, a Tedstoneville-based soccer club, has its eyes set on developing and nurturing young talent to one day join the professional ranks.

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The team has two divisions that contest in the SAFA Regional League and Germiston Local Football Association (GLFA) League respectively.

In its two years of existence, the team has become known in Germiston.

The team was originally formed by Thomas Mokhehlana, Teboho Mfena and the late Mike Mosimane.

“Mosimane died late last year after a few months of being with the club. We approached Prince Rulashe to join us as his replacement,” said co-chairperperson Mfena.

“We remain the only team from Tedstoneville to play in the SAFA League,” Mfena said.

The team recently played Kaizer Chiefs in a friendly match before the start of the 2022 season.

Mfena said they wanted to give young players an opportunity to be scouted by bigger teams.

“During the off-season we held trials and we recruited new players. We had signings from Daveyton and Spruitview that proved that the trials were a success.

“We aim to always seek fresh talent. Our scouting processes are ongoing. We occasionally look for new talent to strengthen our team,” said Mfena.

Rulashe, co-chairperson, said the team’s name started as Tedstoneville United FC.

“During the off-season, we changed the name to AC Milan,” said Rulashe.

“Early this year we hosted the Mike Mosimane Memorial Tournament in honour of our own, Mosimane. Our U13s competed and won the tournament,” said Rulashe.

AC Milan also won the GLFA U15 league in their first season. They were awarded medals, trophies and enjoyed promotion to the SAFA Regional League.

“The U15s are now playing as the U17s in SAFA. The U13s are contesting in the GLFA League,” said Rulashe.

“The plan is to maintain our status in SAFA and win the GLFA League.

“Our U17s have played three games, won one and lost two. Our level of discipline as a club is amazing. Our motto is home, school and team,” said Rulashe.

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Mokhehlana, team manager, said the support from the community has been overwhelming.

“We have a good relationship with the parents. They sometimes come to the games to show support,” said Mokhehlana.

“Our home ground is Germiston City Sports Ground in Delville,” he said.

He said the club has one kit shared between both teams which urged them to call for sponsorship.

“It might be a once-off sponsor or a long time for sponsors willing to come on board,” said Mokhehlana.

“We have 30 players for the U13s. There’s a women’s team and netball team as well. We are looking for more girls to join both teams,” said Mokhehlana.

“Our U13s and U15s soccer girls sometimes play with the boys in a mixed team. Girls soccer has become popular in Germiston in recent years,” said Mokhehlana.

To support the team, contact Prince Rulashe at prince.rulashe@gmail.com or call at 078 533 6474.


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