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Life Roseacres celebrates and commemorates nurses

On Nurse’s day life Healthcare reflected on the remarkable individuals whose careers are founded on principles of care and who have dedicated their lives to making a difference to people’s lives.

May 12 was International Nurses Day and Life Healthcare commemorated the day by celebrating nurses for their courage and commitment to patient care.

ALSO READ: Celebrating International Nurse’s Day

“Life Healthcare employs over 10, 000 nurses and this year recognises and celebrates these dedicated and committed healthcare professionals for placing patients at the centre of care amidst the challenges and stresses of the Covid-19 pandemic,” said Karen Landsberg, Life Roseacres Healthcare marketing coordinator.

She said the nursing staff has really come together and remain true and committed to their profession in these difficult times.

“Over the past year, our nurses have joined together to lead and support each other as caregivers with heart and substance.

“They have continued to care for our patients compassionately and thoughtfully,” said Landsberg.

On International Nurses Day, Life Healthcare reflected on the remarkable individuals whose careers are founded on principles of care and who have dedicated their lives to making a difference to people’s lives.

Management praised the nursing staff for the work they have been doing.

Nurses attending the Nurses’ Pledge event on the day, pledging their commitment to their role as a nurse.

“Theirs are the faces of hope that every patient sees and the hands of compassion that every patient experiences.

“We acknowledge and honour our nurses today and say thank you for your courage and commitment to patient-centred care amidst the Covid-19 pandemic,” said Henriette Pretorius, hospital manager at Life Roseacres Hospital.

Life Healthcare annually celebrates its nurses is through the Great 100 Nurses initiative.

“This initiative sees nurses nominating their peers and awarding those nurses who epitomise efficiency, quality and compassion in their daily work which contributes to the patients’ hospital experience,” said Landsberg.

Joy Cleghorn, National Infection Prevention and Risk Manager for Life Healthcare, with Matron Pamela Naidu, nursing manager at Life Roseacres Hospital.

Pretorius said whether nominated as a Great 100 Nurse or not, they value all their nurses.

“The nurses care for our community’s family, friends and loved ones. We say thank you to our nurses for their sacrifices, hard work and commitment and, amidst a pandemic, we acknowledge the additional pressures and stress they have faced on a daily basis.

“Nurses remain the heartbeat of Life Healthcare hospitals and are trained to be the caregivers of patients but they are also the counsellors, the listeners, the hand-holders, the smile makers, the advocates, the shoulders to cry on, the advisers and so much more,” said Pretorius.

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