Get your home ready for holiday in easy steps

Preparing our homes for the holidays can sometimes be overwhelming, especially when we’re trying to stick to a budget. 

Our homes are the hub of the holiday season. It’s where we gather to eat, play, and celebrate together. But let’s be honest: preparing our homes for the holidays can sometimes be overwhelming, especially when we’re trying to stick to a budget. 

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How to get your home ready for Christmas in few easy steps? 

  1. Declutter

Decluttering now will save you precious time later, and best of all: it’s free! Work first to declutter the main living and high-traffic areas in the house. In the kitchen, declutter the countertops, refrigerator, and pantry by removing any unnecessary items and tossing expired food.

  1. Decorate main spaces

While a touch of holiday decor can transform any space into an inviting winter wonderland, decorating every room in the house can be costly. Instead, focus first on decorating the main spaces in your home with pieces you’ve collected over time.

Deck out your living room with lighted garland, holiday-themed throw pillows, and, of course, your Christmas tree. Add holiday touches in the kitchen and dining area with holiday placemats, dish towels, and a holiday centerpiece.

  1. Stock the pantry

Stocking the pantry early and buying items in bulk will keep you from last-minute, budget-busting shopping. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, pay attention to sales flyers from your local grocery store and wholesalers.

  1. Make freezer meals

Making several freezer meals can ease the stress of having to make dinner on busy holiday weeknights and will also keep the dinner budget in balance. Casseroles and soups are quick to put together and keep well in the freezer for at least six weeks.

  1. Create a wrapping station

Having a designated space to store gift-wrapping materials not only makes the wrapping process easier, but it also helps to prevent unnecessary spending on gift wrap, tape, and gift tags since you are able to easily assess what you have on hand.

  1. Clean high-traffic areas

If you’re considering it, wait to splurge on a cleaning service until after the holidays; you’ll appreciate starting off the New Year with a clean home.

Instead, before the holidays, focus on deep-cleaning the high traffic areas in your home. Use a solution of water and vinegar (drop in some essential oils, if you prefer) to clean the bathrooms and kitchen before the holidays.

  1. Prepare for guests 

There’s no need to break the bank in order to provide a warm and inviting space for your holiday guests. 

  1. Be strategic with outdoor decorations

Rather than paying for several expensive outdoor wreaths and outdoor lights, opt for a lighted wreath on your front door that will look festive during both the day and night.

  1. Plan ahead

This tip covers everything from ordering Christmas cards to scheduling needed maintenance. The holidays are a wonderful time of year, but they can also be hectic as we try to juggle the many necessary to-do’s and activities.

If you know that the water heater or another appliance needs maintenance, try to take care of it in advance rather than waiting until it’s out of order; you may end up paying extra, after-hours charges for service.  

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