WATCH: Santa Shoebox happiness at Pebbles

Learners in Primrose had an early Christmas after they received boxes of gifts from the Santa Shoebox Project.

Pebbles Nursery School learners in Primrose had an early Christmas after they received boxes of gifts from Santa Shoebox Project director Margie Kostelac on December 4.

Margie, the Gauteng regional director of Santa Shoebox Project, said they came to share the gifts from their fantastic donors.

“It is so exciting to see the children of Pebbles opening up their gifts.”

Gabriela Stewart, administrator of Pebbles Nursery School, said they are so happy they could partner with the Santa Shoebox Project.

“We fall under the Sukuma Foundation, and we appreciate the gifts.”

All the children at Pebbles Nursery School received a box filled with toiletries, sweets, toys, school supplies and an outfit.


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For the past 14 years, the Santa Shoebox Project has collected and distributed personalised gifts of essential items and treats for underprivileged children throughout the country.

This initiative has touched the lives of about 957 297 underprivileged children, echoing the words of Nelson Mandela when he said, “What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.” 

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Marietta Lombard (Editor),  or (Journalists) Busi Vilakazi and Lebogang Sekgwama



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