Animals at risk in scorching heat

Take heed of the following tips to keep your animals safe

As high temperatures persist across Gauteng, Fidelity ADT Security issued a warning to animal owners to take extra precautions.

Melisande Barnard, the community development manager at Fidelity said the National Council of Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NSPCA), has previously warned that confined animals are at risk of being affected by the high temperatures.


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Take heed of the following tips to keep your animals safe:

• Companion animals should not be taken out in vehicles, except for emergency such as visits to the veterinarian.

• Pet owners should ideally refrain from walking or exercising their dogs in the heat of the day. It is better to wait until temperatures drop towards the end of the day as the heat retained in tarred roads or hot pavements can damage animal’s paws.

• Do not keep your animals confined.

• Ensure your animals have lots of water and can access shade if you are away.

• Working animals like security dogs should be monitored carefully to avoid dehydration, fatigue or even heat stroke.

Charnel Hattingh, national marketing and communications manager for Fidelity ADT, said: “Remember, dogs also provide a valuable additional security layer, but not if they are hot and lethargic. Take extra care and make sure your animals are well hydrated.”

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