Tightening our belts … in more ways than one

Six tips for eating healthy on a shoestring budget

It seems that Covid-19 and the lockdown have not only increased our waistlines, but decreased our bottom lines too.

In fact, recent data published by TransUnion showed that nearly two-thirds (64 per cent) of surveyed consumers reported that household budget changes during the pandemic involved cutting back on discretionary spending.

“This is no surprise if we take into account the number of people being put on short time, or worse, have lost their jobs.

“This pandemic has all of us re-looking at our budgets,” said Catherine Clark, owner and founder of the Harvest Table.

She added that trying to juggle a reduced household budget while still eating well and maintaining a healthy immune system is going to be essential for the foreseeable future.

“It’s crucial to know how to shop for healthy foods that are not only inexpensive but will still see you back in tip-top shape and ready to take on the world soon,” she said.



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She offers the following tips for eating healthy on a shoestring budget:

Buy in bulk: One of the first rules in saving on your grocery bill is to buy in bulk. There are amazing deals, especially on meat, fresh vegetables and non-perishable goods.
If you are worried about food going to waste, share the cost and products with friends or family so that you all benefit from the reduced price.

Grow your own: Seeds are inexpensive and with some time and effort, you will be able to grow your own herbs, sprouts, tomatoes, onions and more. You’ll not only save money, but you’ll have better tasting veggies that are packed with vitamins.

Consider frozen: Frozen fruit and veg come pre-chopped, ready to use, are often cheaper than fresh and are just as good for you. Try to avoid those with added salt, sugar or fat.

Buy house brands: Most supermarkets offer good quality ‘no name’ brands that are cheaper, so don’t pay extra for pretty packaging, as there is seldom much difference between the budget and luxury range.

Stop buying junk food: You’ll be shocked to see how much you’ll save by not buying fizzy drinks, biscuits, crisps, pre-packaged meals and processed foods. Cost aside, they offer very little nutrition and are packed with unhealthy ingredients.

Invest in a single supplement: Ditch the bottles of vitamins and invest in one supplement that does the same job as all of them. There are various multi-vitamins on the market in addition to products such as collagen powder that increase your immunity without breaking the bank.

“You don’t have to have unlimited funds to eat well, there are many ways to eat healthily on a shoestring budget. So plan your meals, shop wisely, grow your own veggies and you will manage to tighten your belt, in more ways than one,” Catherine said.

Issued on behalf of The Harvest Table.


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