Tips on how to use your vacuum

Get the most out of your vacuum cleaner with these tips from Hirsch’s Meadowdale.

During lockdown many might have become more attached and gotten more use out of their vacuum cleaners than they normally would.

Especially if we have children and pets.

Vacuum cleaners have leap frogged over the ‘grudge purchase’ category that they languished in for many years and have now become absolute must-haves for every household.

They can act as an extra protective barrier against allergies caused by a myriad of mites and mold.

Incidentally, millions of people around the world are unaware that they are exposed to toxic mold in their homes and their places of work.

“According to the experts, the effects of toxic mold exposure on our health can be devastating causing allergies, asthma, chronic fatigue, and muscle and joint pain,” said Chantelle du Plessis, public relations officer of Hirsch’s Meadowdale.

“Exposure can also eventually lead to a number of illnesses.”


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Here are some tips from Hirsch’s on how to remove mold from your carpet.

Mold loves fabric, making most furniture a potential hub for mold.

If you are cleaning up after a large leak, it is recommended to remove the carpet completely.

It’s a good idea to buy a high efficiency (HEPA) vacuum cleaner to clean your carpet.

When using your HEPA vacuum cleaner:

1. Make sure you vacuum from every angle. When vacuuming it’s easy to get into the habit of pushing the machine across your carpet in the same direction. Many modern vacuum cleaners have a more flexible design, meant to get into difficult corners or underneath furniture. Use it from every direction possible to remove as many mold spores as possible.

2. Empty your vacuum cleaner outside. If your vacuum model is bag-less, use a disposable wipe to clean out the canister fully. Avoid breathing in the dust. If your vacuum cleaner uses bags, ensure you wear protective gloves, respirator, and clothing as you do so to avoid carrying the spores back into your home.

3. As the dirt, dust and mould spores in the fibres may have been accumulating for years, don’t be disheartened if you don’t see an immediate improvement in the state of the carpet or your health. It may take several long sessions of vacuuming before you start to feel the benefits.

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