
St Catherine’s welcomes their new learners

Learners begin their academic journey at St Catherine’s School.

St Catherine’s School was abuzz on Tuesday as learners took their seats in anticipation of another academic year.

The new Grade Ones were thrilled to be at “big school” and to start learning.

Head of school Dennis Maritz was pleased with how the first day of school went.

“It was a very busy day,” Maritz said.

“This was in part due to our visitors from DStv School of Laughter and 947.

“However, the visit was a great help for us as it made the transition for our little Grade Ones so much easier as they were incredibly excited and loved what was going on.

“There wasn’t a tear anywhere this morning, whereas normally there are some.

“But not today, they were all so enthralled with what was going on, and we are very grateful.”

ALSO READ: St Catherine’s class of 2019 celebrates 100 per cent pass rate

Maritz was pleased that the school’s enrolment had once again grown this year.

“We welcomed 66 Grade Ones and 55 Grade Eights,” said Maritz.

“We have three Grade One classes and this is the second year that we have three Grade Eight classes.

“Our aim is to have 60 children in each Grade, and I am confident we will reach this goal, as we still have children writing admission exams for placement.”

The GCN spoke to some of the school’s Grade Ones as they began their school journey.

“I’m happy to be at school and to start big school,” said Ohikondu Ogwuche (6).

Onthatile Mashigo (6) explained that he was happy he’d get to celebrate his birthday at school this year.

“I am excited for my birthday because I am excited to have my birthday at school – it is in February,” Onthatile said.

Aryhi Sooklall (6) said she liked like her new school and her new class when asked what she thought of school so far.

“I am very excited to be here,” said Siya Tlale (6) about her first day of Grade One.

When asked what he was looking forward to most about school, Adam Hall (6) said, “I am looking forward to learning.”

Maritz and his staff, which includes four new teachers, look forward to the year ahead and guiding their learners through their studies.

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