16 Days of Activism: What are the different types of abuse?

Abuse in a relationship can be more than just physical.

Abuse in a relationship can be more than just physical and it is important to know the differences to better understand when you are in such a relationship.

Physical abuse:

• Shoving, slapping, punching, kicking, throttling, biting.

• Assault with object, guns, knives or any other dangerous weapons.

Sexual abuse:

• Rape, attempted rape, indecent assault.

• Ongoing verbal abuse with sexual remarks.

Emotional and verbal abuse:

• Constant insults, ridicule or name-calling.

• Repeated threats of violence or death to cause emotional harm.

Financial abuse:

• Selling of shared property.

• Control of financial aspects in household.



16 Days of Activism: The rights of a domestic violence victim

16 Days of Activism: Help is just around the corner


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