16 Days of Activism: Amcare offers you a place of safety

Amcare starts working and reaching out to the victims through their victim-empowerment programme.

Those being abused often find themselves with no one or nowhere to turn to.

At Amcare, however, there is a safe haven for mothers and children who are victims of abuse.

At the centre, Amcare starts working and reaching out to the victims through their victim-empowerment programme which renders psycho-social services.

The centre is geared towards the protection of victims of gender-based violence and according to Nadine Mason, marketing and fundraising manager at Amcare, gender-based violence includes women, men and children.

However, their shelter only makes provision for women and children.

Their services include:

Social work services:

This includes individual counselling, education and awareness regarding their personal experiences.

Specialised services for women and their children affected by domestic violence include the following:

• Protection and legal assistance.

• Psycho-social support and counselling.

• Victim centred approach.

• Developing knowledge of victim’s issues.

• Strengthening resources.

• Addressing needs of victims.

• Prevention of secondary victimisation.

• Skills training and job support of victims of domestic violence.

• Assistance with placement of children in schools / crèches and schooling requirements.

• Community awareness and education.

A place of safety:

This is a temporary shelter that accommodates 20 women and their children who are victims of domestic violence and abuse.

Victims must be at risk to be accommodated in the place of safety.

They stay for a period of three to six months and depending on an individual’s needs, their stay may be extended up to a maximum period of 12 months.


Women and their children who are in a place of safety receive individual counselling which is therapeutic and group counselling which includes educational and support groups. Every woman receives individual counselling once a week and they all attend a group session together once a week.

Group sessions for the children take place during school holidays and individual counselling takes place whenever the need arises.

Through counselling, clients improve their communication and coping skills, they get to rebuild their self-esteem that they lost during the abuse.

Sessions also increase self-awareness when they get a greater insight of their lives and change is bound to take place.



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Skills development:

The skills development programme offers skills to the unemployed women who are sheltered.

Skills include: basic sewing, bead work, basic catering, basic computer lessons, food gardening and assistance with job placements. Women are empowered with skills that will help them improve their economic backgrounds so that they can be independent.

Amcare 2018/2019 stats:

Professional reach:

99 out-based clients assisted with nutritional support, information and referrals.

57 individuals sheltered.

29 women and 28 children sheltered.

29 women received food and support when leaving the centre.

352 individual counselling sessions.

30 group sessions.

12 children placed in local schools.

10 children placed in crèches.

140 individuals reached during 16 days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children.

Three protection orders were granted by the magistrate.

27 clients were referred to local clinics for medical check-ups.

Children where treated to activities such as lunch at Burger King, a visit to the zoo, a holiday programme, pancake evening and an AYM camp.

Skills development:

13 women attended Amcare’s catering course.

10 women were assisted in finding jobs.

20 women were involved in sewing and beading.

Six women attended a self-defence class.

16 women involved in vegetable gardening.

12 women attended a basic computer course.


Have a story?

Contact the newsroom by emailing: Melissa Hart (Editor) germistoncitynews@caxton.co.za, Leigh Hodgson (News Editor) leighh@caxton.co.za or Ashley Kiley (Journalist) ashleyk@caxton.co.za.

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