
Laerskool Elsburg set to celebrate milestone birthday

Don’t miss out on the fun of Laerksool Elsburg’s birthday celebration.

Laerskool Elsburg is gearing up for a celebration of note.

The school is celebrating its 130th birthday, as well as being seven years young.

The theme for the celebrations is Full Circle – 130 years old; seven years young.

The GCN caught up with principal of the school Marius Janse van Rensburg and Cedric Clark, a teacher and head of the organising committee for the birthday bash, on Wednesday to find out more about the celebrations and the school.

In 1889, Laerskool Elsburg was established as an Afrikaans CNO school during the war at that time.

Agnes Ross came from Graaff Reinet by ox wagon to be the first principal of the school.

The venue was an old farmhouse in the then called Klippoortjie area (now Elsburg).

With time and an increase in learner numbers, the facilities became too small and the school gradually moved from the farmhouse to its current location in Brug Street.

The Department of Education took over ownership of the school in 1906 and the language of teaching was Dutch and English.

In 1915 it became an English-medium school and then later that year and onwards, a parallel-medium school (English and Afrikaans).

When Laerskool Elsburg celebrated its 50th birthday in 1931, it was back to being an Afrikaans school.

Through the years of the school’s rich history, teaching at the school has been conducted in Dutch, English and Afrikaans.

It has been a single-medium, parallel-medium and dual-medium school.

From 1931, as a single-medium school teaching was in Afrikaans.

Zandile Langa and her Grade Four class at Laerskool Elsburg are looking forward to a week-long birthday celebration.

Gradually, however, the number of learners dwindled to such an extent that in 2012 it was decided to change back to a parallel-medium school with Afrikaans and English as the languages of teaching and, therefore, the theme: 130 years old; seven years young – Full Circle.

Laerskool Elsburg consists of a teaching staff of 62 with 1 787 learners.

“As a school, we are proud to state that with all the challenges currently in education we are still a beacon in the community striving towards excellence through our motto – I Serve,” said Marius.

“It is a privilege to congratulate Laerskool Elsburg Primary on serving the community for 130 years and may it stay that way for the next 130 years.”

The birthday celebrations will take the form of a week-long “party” with the learners being treated to lots of fun.

Cedric told the GCN that the birthday events will run from October 28 until November 2.



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The events are as follows:

• October 28: Thanksgiving services for all the different grades.

• October 29 and 30: Visit by SaveMe Reptile and Exotics Rescue between 8.30am and 2pm.

• October 31: Magic show by Herman with the theme Just Say No.

• November 1: Class parties for all grades and a little colour festival.

• November 2: Birthday bash.

The school is inviting the community to come along to enjoy the birthday bash on November 2.

There will be a wide variety of fun in store, with food stalls, a water park for the children, a tea garden and flea market stalls.

The final of the Rugby World Cup will be aired on a big screen in the school hall.

After the rugby, two artists from The Voice SA 2019, Chezelle and Emil, will perform.

“We are looking forward to the event and invite everyone to come and along and celebrate the school’s birthday with us,” said Cedric.

People are also welcome to book stalls to showcase their crafts by calling 011 827 5612.


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