International tour offers a chance to share knowledge

Viking Foundry in Germiston South welcomed several international guests to their foundry on Wednesday.

Nestled in Germiston South is Viking Foundry.

Founded in 1994, the foundry has grown from humble beginnings to a company that prides itself on quality and customer commitment.

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Viking Foundry was started with a 250kg Radyne furnace, which was very much against the norm in the early ’90s. Through extreme hard work and perseverance, the company has now progressed to being able to cast up to 6 000kg.

A massive boost for Viking Foundry, in the beginning, was their ability to cast a diverse range of materials in small quantities in a very short turnover time.

This same ability has been carried forward to today.

By sticking to strong foundry and business principles, Viking Foundry has grown into a business that boasts six induction furnaces and a staff complement of about 130, making it one of the largest independently owned and operated foundries in South Africa.

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The Viking Foundry welcomed visitors from the Italian Foundry Association to their foundry on Wednesday.

The staff and visitors later joined a technical presentation evening, which allowed the South African Institute of Foundrymen (SAIF) members and members of the Foundry Industry a chance to interact and share knowledge.

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