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Motorists urged to stay alert at all times

Security tips for motorists from the Germiston police.

The Germiston SAPS has warned motorists to stay alert at all times when travelling in and around the city.

This warning comes after a high number of smash-and-grabs at traffic lights have been reported.

“Community members have developed a habit of driving with their valuables in their vehicles,” said Const Maxwell Mabunda, communications officer for the Germiston police.

“This attracts criminals, especially when they find the vehicle stationary at red robots or in parking bays.”

Safety tips to prevent smash-and-grabs:

• Plan your route in advance.

• Keep the doors locked and keep your window closed.

• Do not leave your mobile phone or other valuables where they are visible from outside the vehicle.

• Lock valuable items in the boot before your departure.

• At night, park in well-lit areas.

• Never pick up strangers or hitchhikers.

• If in doubt about the safety of an area, phone a police station for advice and help.

• Your life is more valuable than your possessions, do not reach for your purse or valuables, leave everything behind if forced from the car.

“Reports of delivery trucks and vans being robbed are also on the rise because most truck drivers do not close their door properly while offloading goods,” said Mabunda.

“While you are offloading and talking to customers, criminals can easily make their way into your front seats and steal valuables you have left there.

“Should you go inside a shop or an office during a delivery, ensure that your vehicle is locked.

“Criminals are constantly watching for loopholes in order to rob you, stay alert.”

Security tips for truck drivers:

• Do not leave your vehicle unlocked, even if you think you will be only be away for a short time.

• Avoid stopping in remote places.

• If a stranger wants to talk to you while in your vehicle, do not open the window wide, 5cm is enough to have a discussion.

• Vary the route you travel to and from work, if this is possible.

• Hijackers may stage a minor accident so they can approach your car, be alert.

• Purchase an anti-theft device, such as gear lock, for further security measures.

Keep yourself and your family safe at home:

• Know your sector and emergency numbers, and have them displayed in an accessible area.

• When leaving your house, always let someone know where you are going and how long you will be gone.

• Know your neighbours.

• Ensure that your home is secure.

• Report suspicious behaviour to the police.

• Thoroughly screen your domestic workers before you employ them.

• Double check that you have locked and secured all windows and doors before leaving your home.

• Do not leave gardening tools (spades, stepladders etc.) outside, as criminals can use these to break into your home.

• Do not allow unidentified government employees into your yard.

General tips:

• Do not buy stolen goods.

• Do not withdraw large sums of money at once while travelling alone.

• Do not lend your ID to anyone.


Women encouraged to keep themselves safe

Warning – Tips on how not to be a traffic light robbery victim


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