
Elsburg SAPS nabs 17 during weekend operations

Elsburg SAPS station commander is pleased with the work carried out by her officers.

During their weekend crime prevention operations from June 27 to 30, the Elsburg SAPS managed to detain 17 suspects within Elsburg for crimes including theft, assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm (GBH), malicious damage to property, driving under the influence of alcohol, drug possession, possession of dagga, assault common and dealing in liquor without a valid licence.

“Our officers went all out to keep their policing precinct a crime-free zone,” said Const Daphney Phooko, communications officer for the Elsburg police.

“All suspects were detained at the Elsburg Police Station pending their appearances in the Germiston Magistrate’s Court.”

Station commander of Elsburg SAPS Col Linah Thethe applauded her members for their noteworthy efforts.

“Let’s serve our community with pride, and let’s grow together to make sure we win the fight against crime,” she said.


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