Lock-lips on International Kissing Day

Blow a few kisses on International Kissing Day.

Have you ever needed a reason or an excuse just to kiss someone?

Well, look no further because today (July 6) is International Kissing Day.

You don’t have to scrounge for reasons to get or give a kiss because you can do it in the name of celebrating the day.

Who doesn’t love a good kiss?

Whether it is a quick friendly peck on the cheek between friends, or a long, passionate tongue-lashing between new partners, International Kissing Day celebrates this most enjoyable of activities and the part it plays in cultures throughout the world.

If you haven’t shown your partner just how much you appreciate them, maybe this day is your chance to remind them with a toe-curling kiss.

According to Days of the Year, International Kissing Day was established in 2006 to focus on the kissing that takes place between lovers, and to celebrate the place it holds in society.

One of the most surprising things about the day is the research that revealed that five per cent of people over the age of 45 are locking lips at least 31 times a week.

Who would have thought that old fires burn so hot?

But romantic kissing is not the only kissing that happens.

For most, it is not at all unusual to greet with a kiss on each cheek, a tradition that dates back to the ‘old world’.

Children frequently get kisses from their loving parents, siblings and relatives, though it is something that tends to fade as children get older.

Over all, kissing has played an important role in social bonding since time out of mind, and International Kissing Day celebrates them all.

Wondering how to celebrate International Kissing Day?

Well that’s simple enough isn’t it?

Wake up in the morning and kiss your partner good morning, then greet your friends with a quick kiss on the cheek to show them how much you appreciate them.

If you are a bit more reserved, place an innocent kiss on the back of the hand of friends you hold in high regard.

There are a million different ways to deliver a kiss to those you care about, and they don’t all have to be romantic.

Your pets would also appreciate a few kisses as well, so just before heading to work give him or her a kiss.

See how many kisses you can get and give and record it.

Just remember the breath mints during your kissing celebrations.

Information sourced from: Days of The Year.


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