
Woman robbed at knife-point

Trucker assists in the arrest of a thief.

While walking home, with her young brother in a pram, a young woman was allegedly robbed at knife-point.

The incident reportedly took place in Churchill Avenue, Primrose, on March 29.

“The victim told police that when she arrived home and was opening her gate, she was approached by an unknown man.

“He allegedly ordered her to keep quiet, threatening to kill her if she didn’t,” said communications officer for the Primrose police, Sgt Styles Maome.

He took her cellphone and a tablet and ran away.

A passing truck driver, having witnessed the incident, chased after the suspect and was able to corner him.

Police were called to the scene and the 32-year-old man was arrested.

He will appear in the Germiston Magistrate’s Court on a charge of armed robbery soon.

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