
Crime remains a problem in Makause

A management team from the Primrose Police Station visited the Makause informal settlement to address the community’s concerns over crime in the area.

Primrose Police Station commander Col Albertina Vesi and the station’s management recently visited the Makause informal settlement.

The visit allowed the team to address the community’s growing concerns over crime in the area.

“Crimes such as murder, rape, robbery and assault have increased in the area and this is of great concern to both residents and police,” explained Sgt Styles Maome, communications officer for the Primrose police.

During the visit, Vesi once again encouraged the community to form and join community patrol teams.

“These teams will work with police to fight crime.

“We hope community members do their part in the fight against crime, as two hands are better than one,” said Vesi.

Before leaving, the team encouraged the community to report crimes in the area and reminded them that harbouring criminals is a crime.

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