National pride top priority for police

Members of the Primrose police’s Social Crime Prevention Unit visited Hoërskool Goudrif to teach the students how to properly hoist and care for the national flag.

Educating the community through various awareness campaigns is one of the Primrose police’s top priorities.

The station hosts a number of different awareness campaigns with the help of the Social Crime Prevention Unit and members of the Primrose Crime Prevention Youth Desk.

In a recent campaign Sgt Styles Maome, communications officer for the Primrose police, visited Hoërskool Goudrif to teach the students about national pride.

During a presentation at the school the learners were taught how to hoist the national flag, as well as the importance of the flag to the country.

To finish the presentation, Maome taught the pupils how to properly fold and store their school’s national flag.

“It is hoped, that through projects like this, we will encourage national pride in our youth,” said Maome.

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