Criminals target Uber and metered taxi drivers in various parts of Germiston

The SAPS are warning Uber, Maxi and Fire taxi drivers to be careful of criminals’ new modus operandi.

Metered taxi and Uber drivers are being warned to be on high alert, especially in the Buhle Park and Primrose areas.

The Elsburg SAPS and the Primrose SAPS issued the warning after a number of robbery incidents were reported to them.

The first incident in the Elsburg area took place recently at about 11.30pm.

An Uber taxi driver was requested to pick up customers at a tavern in the Germiston CBD and take them to an address in Buhle Park.

While driving to the address, the suspects pointed a firearm at the driver and searched him.

They allegedly took R1 500 in cash from his wallet, his sunglasses and two cellphones.

After robbing him they forcefully put him inside the boot of his vehicle and drove it back to Germiston.

“When they stopped they threw his car keys into the boot, shut it and fled the scene,” said Const Daphney Phooko, communications officer for the Elsburg SAPS.

In the second incident a Maxi taxi driver was called to fetch customers in Buhle Park.

It was about 8.40pm and upon the driver’s arrival, two men got into his vehicle.

He started driving them to their requested destination also in Buhle Park.

“Along the way, one if the men pointed a firearm at him told him to stop the vehicle.

“He was then forced to get into the boot of the car,” said Phooko.

The man told police he managed to open the boot of the car while the car was in motion and escape.

“The police are advising drivers to be alert whenever they are transporting people as criminals are disguising themselves as passengers with the motive to rob and hijack drivers, especially in the Buhle Park area,” said Phooko.

“Anyone with information which could help in the arrest of the two men who are terrorising the Maxi, Uber and Fire taxi drivers in the Elsburg policing area are asked to call 082 822 8023 or 011 827-2060.”

In the Primrose area, police are also appealing to Uber and other metered taxi drivers to be careful while on duty.

This comes after police noticed an increase in the number of robbery cases reported by these drivers.

“We have received several reports that drivers will receive calls from criminals pretending to be clients.

“They will ask to be fetched from restaurants in Germiston and Bedfordview and taken to Primrose.

“During the trip they will stop the driver and rob them of their belongings,” explained Sgt Styles Maome, communications officer for the Primrose police.

Police are currently investigating one such incident where an Uber driver was held at gunpoint and robbed while en route between Bedfordview and Primrose.

The safety of the community remains a top priority for police and they encourage the community to report any crime related issues to the Primrose SAPS on 011 842-0548, Crime Stop on 08600 10111 or the sector patrol vehicles on 071 675 6864/5/6/7/8/9.


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