Police address bullying and fighting during school visit

The Primrose police recently visited Sunnyridge Primary School to teach the children about the effects of bullying.

After a fight between students at Sunnyridge Primary School, the Primrose police were called to the school to talk to the children.

“Bullying and fighting continue to be a problem in many schools,” said Sgt Styles Maome, communications officer for the Primrose police, during the visit to the school.

He spoke to the learners about the effects of bullying and fighting, and about promoting a safer learning environment for every child.

“A safe learning environment means we cannot tolerate bullies,” he said.

“Each and every child has the right to an education.

“Therefore, a school should be a safe place where they can learn without fear.”

The school thanked Maome for his efforts and wonderful presentation, and hoped the children had learned a lot from it.

The police will continue to monitor the school and help with additional intervention should it be needed.

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