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Women join in prayer

Rest-a-While Service Centre for the Elderly hosts successful Women’s World Day of Prayer event.

Rest-a-While Service Centre for the Elderly, in Primrose, hosted a successful Women’s World Day of Prayer event on Friday, under the theme “Am I Being Unfair to You?”

The event, which marked the 87th observance of the day in South Africa, was hosted by the Philippines.

Each year a different country hosts the event and people pray for that particular country, as well as their own, with the focus of the prayers being on peace and justice.

Rest-a-While’s service was led by Chicko Watson and centre manager Trudy Carreira.

The centre was thrilled with the attendance of this year’s event.

Despite the cold, wet weather a number of Rest-a-While members, representatives from the Salvation Army, Primrose police and Ward 36 councillor Wendy Morgan joined together in prayer on the special day.

Carreira thanked everyone who made the day a success.

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