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Jordan celebrates a year of clear hearing

The GCN catches up with the van der Merwe family a year after two-year-old Jordan’s cochlear implants were fitted and switched on.

It is difficult to believe that it has been over a year and a half since the GCN met Jordan van der Merwe and his parents. The GCN first met the family on Jordan’s first birthday.

The joyous occasion was marred, however, as mom Nicoleen and dad Dwyne had just received news that their precious baby boy was deaf.

His hearing could be restored through the fitment of two cochlear implants, but the procedure would cost the family upwards of R500 000.

Through the generosity of the community and the family’s tenacious fund-raising efforts, Jordan was able to have the life-changing operation.

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“We can’t believe that it’s been a year since Jordan first received the gift of hearing,” said Nicoleen.

“Our whole world has changed since Jordan received his implants; his right ear on October 20, 2015 and the left ear on January 19, 2016.

“So this month we are celebrating the incredible milestone of a whole year since the implants became fully functional.”

The family has had an incredible year, with Jordan growing and learning every day.

“Jordan has developed from a shy and timid boy to a confident little man who can speak, identify body parts and say more than a hundred other words.

“He is no different to your average little two-year-old boy,” said Nicoleen.

Jordan’s new confidence means he now loves socialising and making new friends.

He loves music and will dance along to his favourite songs, something that seemed like nothing more than a dream for the family just a year earlier.

The implants have also drastically improved his balance, which means he is now able to ride a push scooter or bicycle.

“Every parent hopes for the best life for their little one, not knowing what the future will hold.

“Becoming increasingly aware that your child is different and may have a different life because of things outside of your control is devastating,” Nicoleen said, reflecting on the past.

“The best part of my day now is having a conversation with Jordan when he comes home from school, just listening as he tells me what his day was like.”

Jordan’s parents have also noticed that their baby boy is even happier than he was and seldom becomes frustrated.

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“He used to become frustrated because he could only react to facial expressions. Now that he can hear we are able to explain things to him so that he understands,” said Nicoleen.

There are, however, some drawbacks to the devices. For one, they are not waterproof, so whenever Jordan goes swimming or has a bath, his parents have to ensure they have a waterproof kit fitted and, of course, the batteries need to be changed regularly.

“The effort is worth it because Jordan can hear everything around him all the time.

“Where our main concerns used to be whether we’d remembered to pack an extra nappy or snack or T-shirt when we went out, they are now if we’ve remembered the spare batteries and waterproof kit,” said Nicoleen.

“Because Jordan sleeps without the devices we usually ease him into hearing again in the morning by whispering for a few minutes.

“Our little rituals are now a part of our daily lives, and we appreciate every second of these special rituals because it’s a reminder that we didn’t always have this.”

The family hopes to help other families by sharing their experience and educating as many people as possible on the journey they have been through.

“We feel that we’ve learnt so much, and would love to speak to other families to help them to understand the journey ahead better,” said Nicoleen.

Nicoleen and dad Dwyne once again thanked everyone who helped their dream become a reality and look forward to the future, with their special Jordan.

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