Primrose police visit local schools

The Primrose police continued their back to school campaign by visiting Dawnview High School and Primrose Primary School.

The Primrose police’s back-to-school campaign is in full swing, with officers visiting Dawnview High School and Primrose Primary School recently.

Police, with the help of the Primrose Crime Prevention Youth Desk members, encouraged the children at each school and appealed to them to stay dedicated to their studies.

In addition, Sgt Styles Maome, communications officer for the Primrose police, and Capt Herman Lekgabe both addressed the learners, warning them about several issues that are affecting the community of Primrose.

Among these was the abuse of alcohol, which remains one of the station’s greatest concerns.

“Children have no place at taverns.

“But still we continue to encounter problems with youngsters visiting taverns at night, with reports that some of these youngsters have been raped,” said Maome.

Before leaving each school, Youth Desk member Akhona Mlaza encouraged the students to become active in the fight against crime in their community.

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