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Ask yourself these security questions

Police appeal to community to be aware of their personal and home safety.

Do you make sure your gate is closed at night and during the day?

Is there a bar on top of your sliding gate so that it cannot be lifted off the rails?

Are your doors locked?

Is your house numbered clearly?

Do you have an outside light on your property?

Do you know your neighbours?

These are questions the Primrose police are asking the community.

Police also warned residents to be alert and aware, and to take precautions when they feel they are being followed.

The SAPS offered the following safety tips for residents to follow:

  • Do not park your vehicle in the road.
  • Do not leave your vehicle running when closing or opening your gate, take the keys out.
  • Do not stand and talk to your visitors in the road.
  • Do not park your vehicle in the driveway or on the pavement.

Sector police vans can be contacted on:

  • Sector One: 071 675 6864 or 65.
  • Sector Two: 071 675 6866 or 67.
  • Sector Three: 071 675 6868 or 69.

Alternatively, the Primrose police can be contacted on 011 842-0500 or 0522.

Other emergency numbers to take note of:

  • EMPD: 011 458-0911.
  • Ekurhuleni Call Taking Centre and Emergency: 0860 543 000.
  • Free call emergency landline Crime: 10111.
  • Fire or medical: 10177.

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