Yardlong beans a labour of love

An Elsburg couple show off their impressive harvest of yardlong beans.

When you arrive at Mike and Lena Nel’s Elsburg home, you would never suspect the hidden oasis that awaits you.

Behind the walls of their suburban home, lies all manner of vegetables and flowers.

The couple invited the Germiston City News to their garden, to show off their extraordinary yardlong beans.

The yardlong beans growing in Lena and Mike Nel’s garden.

This is the first time that the pair has planted this type of bean, after receiving the seeds from a friend.

“We planted them in October and they’ve grown beautifully since, with the longest being 700mm,” said Mike.

Lena is credited with having a green thumb and spends part of everyday, tending to her variety of plants.

The couple eat, sell and cultivate their plants as gifts.

When asked if the recent drought had had a negative impact on the garden, Lena smiled and said: “Not at all, because we have a borehole for water and invested in an irrigation system, that helped us get the most out of the water we did use.”

The couple plans to harvest their beans; and make an assortment of tasty treats from them.

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