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Festive spirit takes over police station

Children have a ball at special Christmas party.

The Germiston Police Station was alive with the sound of laughter and children having fun, on Wednesday.

The Germiston SAPS held a fantastically festive Christmas party for 150 underprivileged children from Dukathole Extensions Five and Nine.

Coupled with the party, a “shoebox project” was held where members of the Germiston SAPS donated money to help fill shoeboxes with a toy, stationery, juice and sweets for each child.

The Germiston Central CPF also helped by sponsoring items for the shoeboxes.

Once all the goodies were purchased the boxes were lovingly wrapped by SAPS members, as well as members of the Germiston SAPS Crime Prevention Youth Desk.

To keep the children entertained on the day, local company Johnson Matthey sponsored the hire of a variety of jumping castles.

The company also provided breakfast, lunch and party packs for the children.

Everyone taking part in the day was given a special T-shirt sponsored by Melco.

The idea for the project was the brainchild of the Germiston SAPS station commander, Brig Khensane Lemba.

Great fun was had by all and the day was a huge success.

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