Rest-a-While receives blankets

Primrose Knit & Natter helped Rest-a-While Service Centre by donating much-needed blankets.

Rest-a-While Service Centre received a warm donation from Primrose Knit & Natter, recently.

Earlier this year, the service centre members planned to knit 100 blankets by December but they soon realised that they needed help to reach this goal.

This is when Primrose Knit & Natter stepped in to help.

“Primrose Knit & Natter was established in February, this year,” said Caron Koch, on behalf of the group.

“We meet once a month at the Primrose Bowling Club or at Rest-a-While.

Among other things, our group offers a great learning environment as we don’t only knit but also crochet.

It gives us great pleasure to have been able to assist the elderly.”

Koch added that Knit & Natter has also donated blankets to the Elandsvallei Home for the Aged, among others.

Ward 36 councillor Wendy Morgan was pleased with the donation.

“We need more women to join such initiatives,” said Morgan.

“This is a great way for the community to get more involved.

“We appeal for donations of wool because the more they knit, the bigger the demand for wool.”

Rest-a-While’s manager, Trudie Carreira, said they were overwhelmed by the blanket donation.

“We appreciate the efforts made by these women,” said Carreira.

“Our members knitted quite a number of beautiful blankets but Knit & Natter helped make our goal achievable.”

She added that the centre is in need of donations.

“We need more toiletries and tinned food but we will welcome any donations,” she said.

“We will close for December and re-open on January 9, and there are great plans ahead for the New Year with an exciting new programme.”


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