Rapist receives life in prison

Patric Dyasi has been sentenced to life in prison after he was found guilty of raping and stabbing a woman.

Patric Dyasi (41) was sentenced to life imprisonment in the Palm Ridge Magistrate’s Court recently.

He was found guilty of repeatedly raping and stabbing a 21-year-old woman in April 2009.

“The victim told police when she reported the crime to the Ekurhuleni West Family Violence Child Protection and Social Offensive Unit that the suspect threatened her with a knife and forced her into the nearby veld where he repeatedly raped her.

“Before he left he stabbed her in the legs with his knife,” said Capt Mega Ndobe from the Ekurhuleni West Cluster.

Dyasi was arrested when the victim recognised him in church and immediately phoned the police.

“Sgt Manakedi Vilakazi, the investigating officer on the case, worked day and night to gather information and evidence which linked the suspect to the rape,” Ndobe said.

In addition to a life sentence he was declared unfit to possess a firearm.

“Convictions such as these are an example to the criminals who think they can get away with sexually abusing women,” said Ndobe.

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