
Every drop counts, use water sparingly

The DA in Ekurhuleni supports the water restrictions and urges people to save water.

The metro is required by the Department of Water and Sanitation to impose water restrictions, to reduce water usage by 15 per cent with immediate effect.

This comes after water levels in the Integrated Vaal River System (IVRS) dropped below the threshold level of 60 per cent.

The dam is currently sitting at just under 29.4 per cent water capacity and is reaching critical levels as the unseasonal heat and drought continue.

According to the Government Gazette notice published on August 12, water boards and municipalities were instructed to limit the extraction of water from the IVRS to 15 per cent for urban water use and 20 per cent for irrigation water use.

The DA supports the water restrictions imposed by the metro, as well as the water reduction measures implemented and urges all residents to adhere to these restrictions and to adapt and reduce daily water use accordingly.

“The metro has made a promise to repair and replace all aged water infrastructure with utmost urgency – and we will be holding them to account on this promise,” said Clr Derek Thomson, DA spokesman for water and sanitation in Ekurhuleni.

In addition, the metro has barred all residents and businesses from any irrigation activities between the hours of 6am and 6pm.

Residents are also not allowed to fill swimming pools with municipal water, use hosepipes and sprinklers, wash cars or clean outdoor areas.

Penalty fees have been implemented in terms of municipal by-laws to fine those who contravene these restrictions.

Borehole water may be used sparingly, however, proper signage should be visible outside households indicating use.

Here are some additional tips, to help you save water:

  • Install water saving shower heads and limit your showering time to five minutes.
  • Only wash full loads in your washing machine and where possible use your washing machine in eco mode.
  • Fix leaking toilets, faucets and pipes.
  • Don’t leave the water running while brushing your teeth and washing your hands.
  • Take used ice cubes and put them in your pot plants instead of throwing them away.
  • Thaw food in the fridge or microwave instead of using running water.
  • Read and take a photo with your cellphone of your water meter weekly to see if your household consumption is going down.
  • If you are irrigating after 6pm reduce your watering time by 50 per cent.

Residents also have a major role to play in reporting water issues and related transgressions from residents and businesses.

You can report all water issues to the call centre on 086 054 300, or SMS details to 30788, or via Twitter @EMM_Call_Centre

“In the light of the fines to be imposed by the metro, the municipality should also be aware of their own water practices and hold accountable those who fail to abide by the restrictions imposed.

“Water is a scarce resource in our country and should be as far possible conserved,” said Thomson.

“Information has been given to the DA that at the Germiston Council Chambers, irrigation systems are used during the day to water gardens.

“We will be on the lookout and hold accountable the individuals responsible.

“Every drop counts, use water sparingly.”


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