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Residents at Prim Villa celebrated

Prim Villa residents were celebrated on World Alzheimer’s Day.

World Alzheimer’s Day was held on September 21 and it was a special day for residents at Prim Villa in Primrose Hill.

The home’s nursing staff prepared a special day to celebrate the residents and have fun.

“Every year there is a new theme and this year the theme is ‘Remember me’,” said the home’s manager, Sharon Flint.

As per the theme, family members, friends and staff wrote little notes and posted them on a whiteboard and the notes were read out to the residents gathered in the dining area.

“The notes were read out to the residents,” explained Flint.

“Everything was based on the theme and relevant to their time.

“Our recreational therapist, Kate Hlati, put together a display and decorated it with items from the residents’ pasts.”

The items included a typewriter, records, hats and an old sewing machine.

Burgers and chips were on the menu for the day.

“The whole day was about getting items from their past and reminding them of the special moments in their lives,” said Flint.

“Burgers, chips and ice cream cones were part of the menu, these are foods that date back to their childhood years.”

Prim Villa is home to 66 residents.

“We also want to create awareness because it is important for people to know about Alzheimer’s and not be scared of it,” said Jozelle Steenkamp, stakeholder and bequest officer at the Methodist Homes.

“People also need to know that there are young people living with Alzheimer’s, it is not only the elderly, it could happen to anybody.”


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