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Full tummies for needy families

Germiston Child Welfare is thrilled with a recent donation from Germiston South Primary.

Parents, pupils and teachers from Germiston South Primary School all recently became ambassadors for Mandela Day and the legacy Madiba has left.

Under the guidance of principal Lanette Fouché pupils were encouraged to each bring at least one item to school whether it be groceries, baby food, stationery or toiletries. The target was to collect at least 670 items to donate to the grocery pantry of Germiston Child Welfare.

More than 1 000 pupils of the school participated in this collection.

Exceeding all expectations, director of Germiston Child Welfare, Barbara Bouwer recently received 13 large boxes of groceries, baby formula and cereal, as well as stationery and toiletries – far exceeding the target of 670 items.

This collection has filled up the pantry of the organisation which assists in providing food parcels to children and families in need.

The collection of these items will make a huge contribution towards helping these families.

Bouwer said “We greatly appreciate the generosity shown by each parent, child and teacher from Germiston South Primary School who chose our organisation to support for Mandela Day, this year.

“Thank you for the compassion towards those in need of help and a special word of thanks to Lanette Fouché and her team for the initiative and making it possible.”


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