Unclaimed corpses remain at hospital

Bertha Gxowa Hospital urges relatives to claim the bodies of their deceased loved ones.

A number of corpses remain unclaimed at the Bertha Gxowa Hospital mortuary.

Details of the unclaimed bodies are:

Date of birth: April 6, 1952.

Date of death: June 5, 2016.

Hospital number: 00035290.

Address: 11 Bruce Street, Germiston.

Date of birth: October 10, 1976.

Date of death: June 17, 2016.

Hospital number: 00102922.

Address: 18 Esselen Road, Hillbrow, Johannesburg.

Date of birth: September 9, 1984.

Date of death: June 18, 2016.

Hospital number: 00061312.

Address: 75 Beckers Street, Yeoville, Johannesburg.

Date of birth: February 25, 1975.

Date of death: July 1, 2016.

Hospital number: 00098461.

Address: 34 Stephanson Road, Johannesburg.

Date of birth: September 19, 1976.

Date of death: July 6, 2016.

Hospital number: 00121387.

Address: Unknown.

Date of birth: June 1, 1980.

Date of death: May 9, 2016.

Hospital number: 00078899.

Address: 124 Makause informal settlement, Germiston.

Date of birth: May 7, 1980.

Date of death: May 13, 2016.

Hospital number: 07/05/1980.

Address: Unknown.

Date of birth: May 14, 2016.

Date of death: May 17, 2016.

Hospital number: 00088906.

Address: Unknown.

Family members and friends are urged to urgently come forward and to claim their loved one’s body, as pauper burials will be arranged should the corpses remain unclaimed.

For more information contact Malefa Mcunu on 011 089-8593.

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