Being more Madiba

Edcon acted on the call to do good for others and visited Lambton's Epworth Children’s Village.

South Africa’s biggest non-food retailer, Edcon, answered the call to “Be More Madiba” having reached their target on Mandela Day to pair 400 pairs of shoes for Epworth Children’s Village.

On July 29, Edcon made good on their word and visited the children at Epworth to deliver the shoes they had paired.

They were greeted with much delight by the children, who were so thrilled they could hardly contain their excitement throughout the handover.

In addition to the school shoes, Edcon extended themselves even further and also donated takkies and slippers for each child.

“Edcon will lead the transformation journey and help turn dreams into reality,” said Edcon’s general manager for transformation, Elelwane Pahlana.

“We were thrilled to have the participation of Edcon CEO, Bernie Brookes, the executives and our union on this shoe pairing initiative.”

Sentiments shared with the children were those of spreading the message of Mandela to do good for others.

The children promised in unity to take good care of their new shoes before wishing the Edcon team a “super duper weekend”.


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