Ekurhuleni keeps it green

The metro was rewarded for being the second greenest metro in South Africa.

The metro has been named the second greenest municipality in South Africa.

It walked away with R3-million, which will be used in future environmental and green economy initiatives, and a certificate of recognition.

The announcement was made by the National Department of Environmental Affairs during the fifth Greenest Municipality Competition (GMC) held in the Steve Tshwete Municipality in Mpumalanga, recently.

Other winners included the eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality and the Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality in the competition that saw over a 100 metropolitan and local municipalities compete.

“Coming second in the competition means we set the tone that many other metros have learnt from.

“We will accelerate our efforts to claim the number one spot in the competition,” said the metro’s MMC for environmental development, Clr Ndosi Shongwe.

Ndosi attributed the accolade to the dedicated efforts of various departments including waste management services, health and social services, environmental resource management, as well as the water and energy departments.

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