Parks to be turned into cemeteries to make room for the dead

New cemetery plan kicks off today.

Do you enjoy walking your dog in a park near your home, or spending time there with your family?

Well enjoy this while you can as soon all parks in Ekurhuleni will be utilised as cemeteries.

The metro has been steadily running out of space to accommodate the dead for a number of years and has hit upon the idea of turning parks and green spaces into the final resting places of its residents.

“The number of people dying in the metro is significantly higher than the amount of space we have to bury them,” said a metro employee.

“As families don’t really go outdoors much these days, but are rather stuck inside with their attention grabbed by electronic devices, parks are not used, giving us the perfect spaces to create new cemeteries.”

Work to get the first park, situated on the corner of Main Road and Scorpia Street, in Fishers’ Hill, ready to house the dead will get underway today (April 1).

A few month’s ago, the metro fenced off the park in anticipation of the park’s new role.

The new cemeteries are sure to bring families much-needed relief as they will no longer have to worry about where to bury their loved ones.


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