Residents claim cellphone towers are harmful

Several residents in Germiston want the cellphone towers, in their area, taken down as they believe the towers are detrimental to their health.

Cellphone towers are a normal sight in our community.

However, some Germiston residents want the towers in their areas removed as they feel that they are detrimental to their health.

Nick Smith is one such resident. “My health has been so negatively affected by the cellphone towers in my area that I have to take extended trips to a bush farm to recover,” he said.

The cellphone tower found at the corner of Northridge Avenue and Korhaan Street in Sunnyridge.

“I am not the only one who claims to have been affected by the cellphone towers. Many residents have told me they are affected by the radio frequency and microwave radiation transmitted by the towers.”

“I also recently went to the metro’s offices in Germiston and was shocked to see how many applications there were for new cellphone towers to be erected,” he said.

A resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, claims that she has experienced nose bleeds every night since a cellphone tower was installed in front of her house.

“My face is also swollen and I have heart palpitations when I wake up in the morning, all of which are very unpleasant,” she said.

The cellphone tower found at the corner of Clarence Avenue and Weert Road, in Sunnyridge.

She alleges that the DA, in the metro, is aware that people are complaining about the towers, but are ignoring them and protecting the highly paid offenders.

A Sunnyridge man also voiced his concerns that his property value has been halved because of what he describes as the unsightly cellphone tower that has been erected in the area.

Residents in Marlands have begun a petition to have the cellphone towers in the area removed.

The GCN contacted the metro about the residents concerns by no response was received.

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