Get involved in the community

The community of Din-Al-View is encouraged to get involved in the community and support their local CPF.

The Din-Al-View CPF wishes Sector Five residents a happy, healthy, prosperous, beautiful and, most importantly, a crime-free 2016.

“We encourage all residents to become pro-active in the community by supporting their local CPF,” Jane Dijkman, public relations officer for the Din-Al-View CPF, said.

“We are the eyes and ears of the community.”

The CPF members report any crimes in the area, using radios, cellphones and WhatsApp to the community and local SAPS.

“We are looking for dedicated patrollers to donate a few hours per month to patrol the area on foot, by bicycle or motor vehicle,” said Dijkman.

The first community meeting for 2016 will be held at Dinwiddie High School, on the corner of Baldock and Cardiff streets, at 6.30pm on Wednesday, January 27.

“We would love to see some new faces at the meeting,” Dijkman added.

“The meeting offers an opportunity to meet fellow residents, as well as to learn and suggest ways to keep our families safe in our area.

“Our meetings are relatively short, so that residents are able to return home at a reasonable hour.”

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