All for her Ouma

Taylor Matthyser (7) made the decision to donate her hair to Cansa after her grandmother was diagnosed with cancer in 2012.

Not many four-year-old girls would think of growing their hair just to cut it and donate it to Cansa.

But that is exactly what Taylor Matthyser (7) decided to do three years ago, when her grandmother was diagnosed with cancer.

“My mother was diagnosed with cancer in 2012 and, during the cancer treatments, she lost her hair.

“My wife and I explained to Taylor what was happening and it was then she decided to grow her hair,” said Steven Matthyser, Taylor’s father.

“She has been growing her hair ever since, with a few mishaps along the way, thanks to her brother Jordan and herself feeling scissor-happy at times,” said Taylor’s mother Charlene.

Her grandmother sadly passed away last year, but Taylor remained determined to grow her hair.

“She wanted to donate her hair to Cansa so that a little girl with cancer could have hair,” said Charlene

Taylor is a Grade One student at Laerskool Elspark and wanted her teacher, Maryke Geldenhuis, to cut her hair.

“Her teacher is such a big part of Taylor’s life so she really wanted her to be the one to cut her hair,” said Charlene.

So, last Monday morning, scissors in hand, Maryke cut off Taylor’s ponytail, in front of her classmates.

After posing for a few photos, Taylor carefully placed her ponytail in a Ziploc bag and handed it to Stephanie Pearse, a Cansa representative.

“I will now take it to head office where it will be made into a wig,” Stephanie explained.

“I like my new short hair,” said Taylor shyly.

When asked if she’ll grow and cut it again, Taylor said she would.

Parents Steven and Charlene couldn’t be prouder of their little girl.

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