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Breaking News: Fleeing suspects crash car

Vehicle linked to business robberies recovered, two arrested.

The Primrose SAPS nabbed two men for possession of a hijacked vehicle on Thursday.

The vehicle, a white Opel Corsa, has been linked to two business robberies which took place in Oak Avenue, Primrose East, last week.

The car was hijacked in Cleveland in September.

Members of the Primrose SAPS were patrolling at about 11.15am when they received information that the vehicle may be in the area.

They spotted it at the corner of Poplar and Rietfontein roads and quickly did a U-turn.

“Seeing the police, the driver of the vehicle sped off and the officers gave chase,” said Sgt Styles Maome, communications officer for the Primrose SAPS.

“The driver tried to evade capture by turning in Blackwood Road, but lost control of the vehicle and hit the pavement.”

The men sprang out of the vehicle and ran in different directions.

One of the men jumped over a wall into a block of flats in Blackwood Road and police members chased him down and arrested him.

The other ran into Boxwood Road with the officers in pursuit.

He was caught and arrested.

The men, aged between 18 and 28, were taken to the Primrose Police Station, pending their appearance in the Germiston Magistrates Court.

No shots were fired during the incident.

The police investigation is continuing.

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