Be a voice of hope for those in need

SADAG needs call centre volunteers.

The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG), which offers free telephone counselling, information on mental illness and referrals to mental healthcare professionals, clinics and hospitals, is situated in Rivonia and is looking for mature telephonic counsellors.

These are people who would like to give back to the community by being the voice of hope for callers in their time of need.

SADAG helps callers countrywide with mental health queries and is open seven days a week from 8am to 8pm.

The NGO is the largest mental health advocacy group in Africa and receives up to 400 calls per day.

To help keep its 15 helplines running, SADAG is currently looking for compassionate, mature counsellors with life experience who are able to volunteer just four hours per week.

All new volunteers will receive training towards the end of November.

Also required is additional on-site training, which can be started when convenient and is done either during the day or in the evenings, for those who work full time.

Volunteering is an incredibly rewarding experience and highlights just what an important role each of us plays in our community.

To download a SADAG volunteer application form visit – just click on the link under the “volunteer” section on the front page, open the document, fill it in and follow the instructions.

For more information you can call 011 234-4837, or email to

The application deadline is November 10.

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