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The GCN visits Rest-a-While Service Centre

Catering for the elderly.

The GCN continued its on-going community project with a visit to Rest-a-While Service Centre for the Aged, on Thursday.

The visit formed part of the centre’s celebrations for month of the elderly.

The team was put straight to work, making sure the members had enough water and juice, while they enjoyed the music of Pieter Cloete.

The GCN sales manager Theresa Morgan, sports journalist Puleng Sekabate and journalist Leigh Hodgson then got their fingers sticky preparing plates of sweet treats for those in attendance.

These were served after Cloete finished his performance.

The team also took time to chat to the elderly, making them feel appreciated.

Dancing ensued and the team watched in delight as couples took the floor.

Wendy Morgan finished the visit by sharing some of the centre’s project with the GCN team, these included:

  •  “Adopt a Granny” project.

This encourages businesses or members of the community to donate towards feeding one or more members a few times a week.

“A large number of our members are state pensioners who have to survive on social grants,” said Wendy.

  •  Recycling

The Rest-a-While is a recycling centre for paper and glass.

“This brings in some funds for the centre,” Wendy said.

Community members are encouraged to bring in their recyclable goods.

  •  Second-hand shop.

Second-hand goods, books, clothes are sold at the shop to raise funds.

“Any donations are always appreciated,” said Wendy.

  •  Food parcels

“Every December we try to make up at least 200 food parcels,” explained Wendy.

Anyone interested in getting involved in this project is asked to donate tea, sugar, long life milk, powder milk, cup-of-soup, two minute noodles, tinned foods (not curry), toiletries and a few treats like biscuits, sweets or chocolates.”

Anyone who would like to become involved in any of these projects can contact Wendy on 011 828-3059 or 072 963 9675.

Alternately they can email restawhileprimrose@gmail.com.

On November 28, Rest-a-While will host its annual Christmas Party.

Attendees will be entertained with music from “Yester Year”.

Contact the Rest-a-While office on 011 828-3059 as booking is essential.

Related articles:

All about the Rest-a-While Community Centre for the Aged

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