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Eva is thrilled to be recognised as a great domestic worker

Hirsch’s Meadowdale recognises another shining star.

To recognise the unsung heroines in the home, the Hirsch Group has been running a Domestic Worker of the Month competition at all their branches.

A delighted Eva Jolene Muchochomane was recently named as the Domestic Worker of the Month for April at Hirsch’s Meadowdale branch.

Eva’s employer, Krystle van der Berg, said she was thrilled to hear that Eva had won the monthly competition.

Brigitte Thysse (public relations and marketing officer for Hirsch’s Meadowdale, left), Krystle van der Berg, Eva Jolene Muchochomane and Justin Pillay (Hirsch’s Meadowdale assistant branch manager) at the handover of Eva’s prizes for being named the Hirsch’s Meadowdale Domestic Worker of the Month for April.
Brigitte Thysse (public relations and marketing officer for Hirsch’s Meadowdale, left), Krystle van der Berg, Eva Jolene Muchochomane and Justin Pillay (Hirsch’s Meadowdale assistant branch manager) at the handover of Eva’s prizes for being named the Hirsch’s Meadowdale Domestic Worker of the Month for April.

“Eva has been with us for more than four years and she is more than amazing,” she added.

“Not only does she work well, I trust her 110 per cent.

“She is so loyal and she has such an amazing heart and characteristics.

“No matter what her morning has been like, when I open the front door, there is always a smile on her face.”

Eva was awarded a R300 Hirsch’s voucher and a certificate for all her efforts.

She was so pleased with her voucher that she immediately purchased a Sunbeam hand mixer and bowl on which she had had her eye.

Hirsch’s Meadowdale is offering all employers the opportunity to let their domestic worker shine.

Nominate your domestic worker for the month of May.

Send a 100 word motivation about why she deserves to be the Domestic Worker of the month for May.

Email your motivation to Brigitte Thysse (public relations and marketing officer for Hirsch’s Meadowdale) at brigitte@hirschs.co.za.

The full duration of the competition will be from February to November, where after the grand finale will be held and the Domestic Worker of the Year announced.

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