
Cigarettes and firearm seized during arrest

Man found with stolen property.

The Germiston SAPS recently arrested a man on charges of possession of an unlicensed firearm and possession of suspected stolen property.

The 23-year-old was arrested when officers found him in possession of cigarettes and a firearm.

Sgt Reuben Matjie (left) and Const Edmond Molefe (right) guard the man they arrested for possession of an unlicensed firearm and suspected stolen property, recently.
Sgt Reuben Matjie (left) and Const Edmond Molefe (right) guard the man they arrested for possession of an unlicensed firearm and suspected stolen property, recently.

The police were on high alert when they noticed the man acting suspiciously, following a robbery, in Victoria Street.

in which five armed men reportedly robbed the supermarket making off with money, airtime and cigarettes.

During questioning, the suspect was unable to produce proof that the firearm was his, or to explain from where he had obtained the cigarettes.

“Police investigators will obtain statements and have an ID parade, in the hope of linking the suspect to the robbery,” said WO André de Jager, spokesman for the Germiston SAPS Cluster..

“He was detained at the Germiston Police Station and will appear in the Germiston Magistrates Court soon.”

Other articles on the Germiston cluster stations:

Cluster stations working together.

The Germiston cluster stations had their hands full with 354 arrests from July 14 to 20.


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