
Lighting tips to help keep you safe

Local CPF discusses lighting in your home.

Good lighting at your home is essential in aiding you and your family to remain safe and secure.

At a recent Din-Al-View Sector CPF meeting, Jean Ingram, the chairman of the forum, gave advice and tips to residents regarding lights at their homes.

These include:

  • Movement sensors set up to light the dark corners of your garden when you approach, instead of you walking to switch the lights on.
  • The same applies at your driveway gates. Look around your area when you drive at night. See how many entrances are pitch-dark.
  • Nice, dark bushes next to your gates are wonderful hiding places. Think about setting up a surprise light set off by a remote. It can give an extra boost of light as you approach your entrance. You can see if your gates have been tampered with or damaged and you will be able to see any lurking menaces.
  • If you have lights around your garden, try to make them the indirect type, that light up an entire dark area. If you want to have spots, aim them away from the house at the dark areas. Effective, indirect lighting is also good for a long driveway. The little solar powered lights might be pretty and useful for a foot path, but check if they contribute to security. Have garden lights at different levels. Some low down, some higher up. Create layers.
  • A similar tactic must be employed inside your house. It is quite amazing what you can see from a dark street, across a yard and into a house lit up like a stage. “I can see how many people are home, male, female, kids, what’s on TV — close your blinds, at least on the street side,” said Ingram.
  • If you hear something outside at night, do not put on internal lights. You will be able to look through your curtains into your partially lit garden and, hopefully, spot the intruder. If you do you can take appropriate action by calling the police or your security company.

Ingram told the assembled residents that a scary, but empowering exercise for them to do would be to walk around their homes and gardens at night.

“Ask yourself, if you wanted to attack yourself, where you would hide?” she said.

“Where would you lie in wait for anyone coming home; this includes right up to your front door.”

She then urged residents to think of putting lighting into those areas, but this should be done cleverly.

“You will then have lighting inside your house, outside, in the garden, on your perimeter and, finally, on the road.

“Protection is less about pretty and more about function,” Ingram said.

“It is your home and your life, so take it seriously.”


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