Serving with honour

Police officers' dedication rewarded with long-service medals.

It was a special day for the Germiston Cluster SAPS on Thursday, as long-serving officers were honoured for their dedication.

The event took place at the Germiston City Sports Grounds and was a great success, with recipients receiving medals for ten, 20 and 30 years of service.

The medals were handed out by the MMC for community safety for Ekurhuleni, Clr Mthuthuzeli Siboza, who said: “This is a day I will remember for the rest of my life.

“I am honoured to hand out these awards.”

In his keynote address, Siboza said police officers have a thankless job as they are expected to smile even when community members mistreat them.

“You are expected to work 24-hours a day, whether in uniform or not, the community always expects you to be on duty,” he said.

He added that he believes people who take up the calling of being a police officer are selfless human beings as they are willing to risk their lives for others.

“We live in a society where lawlessness is becoming the order of the day and our society is bent on self destruction,” Siboza said.

“It is, therefore, very important to acknowledge these police members for their contribution to the country.”

Medals were only given to officers who displayed irreproachable character and exemplary conduct during their years of service.

Certificates were also presented to civilians working for the police service, to honour their long-serving contributions.

Barwe Alfred Nkadimeny, who works at the Germiston Police Station, was the only civilian to be awarded a 30 year service certificate, on the day.

Police officers who received medals for 30 years of dedicated service were: Lieut-Col Manabe Mashala, Capt Carel Nimb, Capt Jolanda Langemaat, Det-Capt Sithembiso Jukuda, Lieut Malesela Kekana, WO Malesela Moja, Sgt Mbulaheni Tshikosi, WO Lionel Pretorius and Det-WO Deon Doubell.


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