Woman bitten while on an evening walk

Dog owner refuses to assist after woman is bitten.

Sunnyridge residents Tyler and Kathy Glaus’s Monday evening walk ended in tragedy, when Kathy was badly bitten by a dog, which escaped from a yard.

“My wife, her brother and I were walking our two dogs last night, when my wife was badly bitten by a Staffordshire Bull Terrier,” explained Tyler.

The trio was walking up Turnhout Avenue, towards the park, at around 6pm when the incident took place.

“When we were crossing Fifth Street a resident opened his gate and a light brown Staffie escaped from the yard and started attacking our dog, without reason or provocation from our dogs.

“While she was trying to pick up our dog, to protect him, my wife was bitten on her right hand.”

In an attempt to defend his wife Tyler grabbed the dog by the scruff of his neck, which made the dog stop biting and fighting.

The resident who had been opening the gate came running over and demanded that Tyler leave the dog alone.

“I carried the dog back to the yard, where I asked for assistance in taking my wife to the hospital,” Tyler said.

“The man stated that we needed to talk to the dog’s owner, not to him.

“I asked to speak to the owner, who immediately started to argue with us, saying it wasn’t his problem.

“I tried to explain that all we wanted was for him to assist with the medical bills we would incur.”

The argument continued for a while longer before the dog’s owner stormed back into the house.

“Realising we wouldn’t receive any assistance we walked back to our house with my wife’s hand bleeding, to get to a vehicle to transport her to Life Rosacres Clinic,” Tyler said.

The first question the couple were asked when receiving treatment was if the dog was up to date with its vaccinations against rabies.

“I called the owner and asked about the vaccinations.

“He said the dog had only had vaccinations when it was a puppy.”

The doctor explained that dogs need the rabies vaccination yearly.

Because of this Kathy had to have X-rays of her hand, to search for any foreign bodies in the wound before it was stitched up.

She also had to have a tetanus shot and the first of four rabies injections.

The couple has since opened a case with the Primrose police.

The GCN has since made contact with the dog’s owner, who is willing to give his account of the events.

Updates will be posted as they become available.

Other articles on dog attacks:

Local school’s groundskeeper killed by three pitbulls.

The final moment of Laerskool Oosterkruin’s groundskeeper.

Owners agreed that it was in the dogs best interest, to have them humanly put to sleep – says Germiston SPCA.

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