No load shedding expected

Eskom continues to warn of the vulnerablity of some of its generators.

The latest tweet from Eskom (@Eskom_SA) indicate it’s not expecting to implement load shedding today or this week, but unexpected changes on the already constrained power system could lead to load shedding at short notice.

The power giant has continued to urged customers to switch off all non-essential appliances to keep the electricity demand as low as possible.

“Our projection is not to have load shedding at all,” said Eskom’s Khulu Phasiwe.

Eskom has classified today’s risk for load shedding as a medium probability of load shedding during the day, with a very high probability of load shedding for this evening..

The power giant has reiterated it’s doing everything possible to avoid rolling blackouts.

Other articles related to load shedding:

Get your load shedding schedule on the metro’s website.

Make smart choices to relieve pressure on the national power grid.

Listen to and watch the video of Shrish V Hargoon’s song about load shedding.

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