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New EMPD officers left to wait for contracts claims DA

Have new policemen been left without contracts?

The DA in the metro has said that it is a disgrace that 144 newly trained police officers are sitting around doing nothing, because their contracts were not ready on time.

“It is an absolute disgrace that, once again, public money is being wasted and, at the same time, crime is out of control.

“It has come to the attention of the DA that these police officers are still sitting around at the centre where they were trained, because the metro has failed to get their contracts ready for them to start work,” said Mary Goby, DA shadow MMC for community safety in the metro.

“The metro has a responsibility to keep its residents safe over the festive period and the 144 new EMPD recruits, who were due to start on December 1, would have alleviated some of the pressure on the various precincts.”

It has been reported that the new recruits graduated at the end of September.

“It is unacceptable that the metro’s human resources (HR) department has not yet issued them with contracts over two months later,” Goby said.

The DA plans to bring this matter to council in the New Year, if the officers have not started work.

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